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Focus, Goal Setting, Goals, Manifestation, SmartSheets™, Vision Board, Visual -

You've probably heard of vision boards or dream boards before, but what are they and how do you make one? Read on for some ideas!What is a vision board?A vision board, also known as a dream board, is a collage created by the user for goal setting and manifestation purposes. The board usually contains images, affirmations and quotes meant to inspire and motivate its creator. What are the benefits of a vision board?The process of creating a vision board can help you narrow down and focus on what the goal or goals are that you'd like to achieve. Once the...

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Career, Goals, Resolutions -

With the New Year just around the corner, people are beginning to think about the changes they'd like to make in 2020. New Year's Resolutions are often made about things in our personal life, such as weight loss or quitting smoking. But what about your job? Are you interested in bettering your career in the New Year? If so, here are some ideas for resolutions to get you started! Be organized This goes for all areas of your professional life, not just your filing cabinet. Be on time for work and meetings. Keep your desk free of clutter and distractions....

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Christmas, Holiday, Holidays, Plan, Schedule, SmartSheets™, Time Management -

Having a work/life balance is tricky enough as it is. Add in the holidays and everything seems to get three times as hectic. Feeling overwhelmed already? Here are five tips to help you out: Be like Santa and make a listWrite down everything that needs to be done and organize it into sections according to importance and time sensitivity. Make sure to include both work and personal tasks. Remember to delegate This goes for your work and social life! Collaborate with colleagues to get projects completed before the holidays. Hosting a turkey dinner? Ask guests to help you out by...

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Brainstorming, Goal Setting, Goals, Job, Office, Performance, Productivity, Tips, Work -

Your workday may be long, but how much are you actually getting accomplished? If you feel like you are spending hours at work but not seeing the fruit of your efforts, perhaps it's time to take a look at your productivity levels! To get you started, here are 5 tips on how to be more productive at your job! 1. Keep your to-do list short and relevant While you may think you have tons of things that need to get done, a mile-long to-do list can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Cull any items that aren't urgent and focus only on...

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Back to School, Calendars, Chores, Homeschool, Quotes, School, SmartSheets™, Tests -

Homework - Write each child's homework assignments for the day/week/month and erase as completed. Lockers- Let your kids cut SmartSheets to fit inside their lockers They can use it to write messages back and forth with their friends or stick pictures using the static electricity. Calendars- Keep track of extracurricular activities, appointments, field trips and more! Tests- Your kids can practise spelling, math and other subjects. College dorms- Forget about the tape and sticky tack. Smooth SmartSheets onto the wall and photos of family and friends will cling to the sheet using static electricity. Lunches- Meal prep for the school...

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